Want to know if your production could be more profitable but don’t know where to start?
JH TESTER Automation Efficiency Review (AER) has been created to assist Australian Industry discover their automation potential. AER’s are a free observation workshop designed to identify the known or unknown automation opportunities within a production operation.
AER’s are a proactive research-based approach that provide third-party perspective of your operation. Why is a third-party perspective important? As the saying goes, sometimes we can’t see the forest for the trees. Whether it be from being too involved in our day to day, or a general lack of awareness of the latest available technologies and methodologies.
Our mission is to assist Australian Industry innovate and thrive and that is why we invest our time freely to offer this service. Why would we do that? We see it as win-win for participating companies and JH TESTER as we can offer free advice on the latest technologies and design in exchange for understanding what automation opportunities there are in their respective industry.
AER’s are meant to innovate and transform your production operation. That’s why AER’s are led by our inhouse Innovation Team made up of a brain trust of Industrial Designers, Engineers and Commercial Strategist. The team covers the crucial innovation elements, including problem validation, technical feasibility and commercial return on investment.
In collaboration with your company stakeholders, our Innovators will facilitate observations and discussions about your current production processes. Production can be looked at broadly, or with a targeted focus. But where to from here?
If automation opportunities are discovered, JH TESTER will invest time to develop early design concepts and business case documentation, to support and facilitate the decisioning to improve your production efficiency.
- Site walk through with Innovation Team
- Observation of production processes
- Interview production stakeholders
- Interview business stakeholders
- Initial opportunity discussions
- Documenting observations and learnings
- Innovation Team brain storming
- Explore technology solutions
- Explore technical feasibility
- Explore commercial feasibility
- Follow up questions with stakeholders
- Opportunity validation
- Develop various solution concepts
- 3D CAD mock-ups
- Automation scale
- Output opportunities
- Concept simulations
- Existing solution comparisons
- Concept indicative costing
- Modelling ROI
- Development road maps
- Funding strategies
- R&D Grants
- Implementation strategy
- Virtual concept demonstrations
- Working prototypes
- Concept drawings
- Solution documentation
- Business case documentation
- Support discussions and decisioning